3 Books to inspire your social impact journey

As summer draws to a close, it's the perfect time to reflect, recharge, and dive into some meaningful reading. Whether you're looking to expand your understanding of global development, explore how businesses can tackle social issues, or find inspiration in the story of an unconventional entrepreneur, these three books offer valuable insights and actionable advice. Here’s why you should add them to your reading list:

1. Scaling Up Development Impact by Isabel Guerrero, Siddhant Gokhale, and Jossie Fahsbender (2023)

In this insightful guide, the authors delve into the complexities of fostering sustainable global change, particularly in a world where nearly one billion people lack electricity, over three billion lack clean water, and 750 million lack basic literacy skills. Despite having the technology and solutions to address these issues, few initiatives reach the scale needed to make a significant impact. The book provides an analytical framework, practical tools, and adaptive evaluation techniques designed to guide the scaling process. Drawing from rich organizational experiences and real-world examples, the book is essential for those committed to driving large-scale change and making a meaningful difference in international development.

2. Change for Good: An Action-Oriented Approach for Businesses to Benefit from Solving the World's Most Urgent Social Problems by Paul Klein (2022)

Paul Klein presents a compelling challenge to businesses, urging them to reconsider their societal roles. He argues that by tackling social issues directly, companies can not only survive but thrive. With its hands-on approach and actionable steps, the book provides valuable guidance for entrepreneurs and business leaders interested in driving growth through positive social impact.

3. Let My People Go Surfing: The Education of a Reluctant Businessman by Yvon Chouinard (2016)

In the 10th anniversary edition of this memoir, Patagonia’s founder, Yvon Chouinard, builds on the story of his journey from being an outdoor enthusiast to becoming an environmental activist and successful entrepreneur. His story is a powerful example of how business can align with personal values and environmental responsibility. It’s an inspiring read for those looking to explore a different approach to success, one that harmonises with nature and life’s passions.

These three books offer a blend of practical advice, strategic insights, and personal inspiration. As summer wraps up, pick up one (or all) of these reads and get ready to be inspired for the season ahead.